

My name is BlogXilla.
I am 27 years old.
I'm from Elizabeth NJ now In Atlanta.
I believe In the Power of the P.U.S.S.Y...


The BlogFather
crooks and Liars
become a drug dealer


Liberally Biased

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Global Grinding 1

This makes staying up until 4 in the morning surfing the net all worth wild. My first blog over on Russell Simmons Global Grind Please sign up and read it and leave a comment if you can. Thanks.

Also I just did another website Straight From The A as well, which is why I'm up at 2:50 am writing. Only to have to wake up at the crack of dawn to go see Barack Obama tomorrow in NC on the night after the best speech of all time. I wonder if he could follow that up.

I talked to one of my best friends from Jersey tonight and we discussed his ambition and his ideas on how to break into the music and stock game. Yeah that's right... go figure. It was a great conversation.

Speaking of great conversation my little girl is a trip. We had a dinner date at the fast food spot of her choice KFC. She finally found out what the KFC meant. Kentucky Fried Chicken and now she was calling her popcorn chicken Kentucky. But we had a discussion on Obama's speech. I told her it was better than I have a dream the IHAD of out time. My 6 year old told me... o0o0o0o you better stop teasing MLK he going to come back from the dead and kill you. I told her to hush and explained my point. to which she said yes you are teasing him you said Barack Obama was better. She said MLK was going to beat me up... I said no he's not b/c he was a non violent man. She said well he's going to tell the guy who shot him to come and kill you if you don't stop. lol Then told me not to "denigrate" MLK.... Umm Yeah I'm scared for my life now. lol

Blogxilla [ 12:01 AM ]


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