

My name is BlogXilla.
I am 27 years old.
I'm from Elizabeth NJ now In Atlanta.
I believe In the Power of the P.U.S.S.Y...


The BlogFather
crooks and Liars
become a drug dealer


Liberally Biased

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Church Folks

Job: 40:8 "Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? 9 Do you have an arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his?

Today at church we had the pleasure of being serenaded by Deloen Richards-Sheffield her new last name giving as an after thought. Since she is long time friends w/ the pastor's wife, she was introduced as a friend. A minor slip of the mind which went out of the window after a thunderous round of applause as she walked on the stage and sang a beautiful song called Clean Hands. Her voice was so amazing, powerful and soulful yet I couldn't help laughing as she did as most singers do and showed off the power of her voice by numerous riffs on certain words. You know the ohhh ohhhh ah oo0o0o0o0o0o0...

Then as I received my message I realized where I knew her from, she is the female who was involved in the Other R-Kelly sex scandal. In November of 2004 a Chicago man, allegedly tried to get $20,000 from a sports agent by claiming to possess videotapes of the then Yankee slugger Gary Sheffield's wife having sex with R. Kelly. Sheffield was aware that before his marriage, wife DeLeon Richards, now 28, had a "long-term relationship with a well-known professional singer over 10 years ago." Then underage songstress was getting down w/ Mr. Freak Nasty and taped it.

And let's not forget the many other scandals involving the church, take Rev. Ted Haggard who bought methamphetamine and might of had gay sex w/ the male escort dealer even after denouncing gay marriage on many occasions. Yet millions love his message b/c of what it does for them. Sort of like what today's service has done to me. You see I am a firm believer that today's religion is missing that fact that God knows we are all sinners and although we sin we are still able to received God's blessings. A lot of church folk like to look down on the club goers, whores, poor people, bums, etc. But the fact is that Jesus wouldn't have judged anyone. Just as the community tried to stone Prostitute He said let he who is w/o sin cast the first stone. Why do we tend to judge people? Why do church folk try so hard to change people? Pull your pants up, get off the corner, wear some clothes... When the fact is that God knows exactly when we will clean up our image, stop having sex w/ numerous partners, quit drinking and smoking. It's already written right?

You see while in the barber shop this weekend, talking about getting old when one country man dawning a Jeri curl said God does all good things. To which I said why do you church folk only give God credit for the good things and not the bad? When you win the lotto, it's thanks you Jesus, but when you lose your job it's the Devil is a Lie!!! First of all we need to stop giving the Devil credit for things, he all ready lost! The Bible says in Lamenations 3:38 Both bad and good things come by the command of the Most High. No one should complain when he is punished for his sins. I simply don't understand the failure to realize that the obstacles and challenges we face are simple God's way of letting us know we are coming into a new season, that things are going to get better. You don't have to change today, it's okay to have a drink every now and then, did you have sex w/ someone you met at the club this weekend it's alright, ask God for forgiveness he knew you would make mistakes and if your heart is in the right place you can be forgiving. They have no idea who you are and who you are about become. My habits and addictions are not one of a saint, but should you look past my message if it reads like it's for you? Should I not be blessed to be a featured subject in the Economist Magazine The American South? Only God can judge you, so lift your head up high and know in your heart that you are a great person who has everything ever great person before you has had. 2 arms, 2 legs and a brain. Your spirit already has a memory of your future embedded deep with in, MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Blogxilla [ 12:58 PM ]


  • very intereting. I didn't think you would finish the way you did. Classy and clearly you know the true meaning behind Christianity - sometimes we all forget.


    By Blogger S.K., at 11:14 PM  

  • Thanks for stopping thru, I don't attend church like I / or they say I should. But I know one thing if you was a minister, I'd be in the front row. Amen.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:08 AM  

  • OK... excuse me... why dont you have your real page linked in your profile so that when you comment on my blog I can go straight there from your profile without having to type in the whole url...

    you gotta make it easy on a playa...LOL

    By Blogger Eb the Celeb, at 6:37 AM  

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