

My name is BlogXilla.
I am 27 years old.
I'm from Elizabeth NJ now In Atlanta.
I believe In the Power of the P.U.S.S.Y...


The BlogFather
crooks and Liars
become a drug dealer


Liberally Biased

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Quote of the Day: Jealousy is bred in doubts. When those doubts change into certainties, then the passion either ceases or turns absolute madness.

I was on the computer chatting w/ a close friend when my phone rang, it was a restricted number at first i didn't answer but this person called back. I figured it was someone I knew, one of many friends who keep their number blocked due to numberous male stalkers. I picked up the phone and a male voice which appeared to be altered by some sort of device. This voice said Don't talk just listen. He proceeded to make numerous threats, said that I harrass women. The actual dialog of the call is neither here nor there. At first I was scared b/c i thought it was the feds coming to render me for the numerous political blogs i post or for being one some international website I had no business being on. I thought for sure I was about to be rendered to Uzbekastan. I grabbed my gun tucked it in my jeans and walked outside still on the phone.

My Enemies have done more for me than my friends, a wise man said they only fight you when you're big enough to be fought. So I refuse to have battles with people who are not on my level. Yesterday I talked of a change coming and as you can see from the banner I will be launching my website later this month. www.BlogXilla.com

I've notice that a lot of people in this blog world are stuck in the same place w/ no attempt to grow. It's evident by the level of hate i receive b/c i have removed my self from the circle I used to run with. I created La Familia in order to complete myself I noticed that i was surrounded w/ like minded people so i distanced myself and put people of diverse backgrounds around me. Great people like Taymah, Trish and the ever so wonderful Ladie Creation. These 3 woman have been a blessing to me and have made me into a better person. I noticed that the other's were just standing around me waiting on my next idea so they could be apart of something.

Blogxilla [ 9:04 PM ]


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