

My name is BlogXilla.
I am 27 years old.
I'm from Elizabeth NJ now In Atlanta.
I believe In the Power of the P.U.S.S.Y...


The BlogFather
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Skull and Blogz - Deep Fried Fairy Tales.

Quote of the Day: Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.

It is said an eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. Today I ask that you use your brain and think about the world we live in. It's an ever changing world, take this blog for instance today is the first full day of my job blocking Internet access, but if you look back you see faces who use to be regulars no longer here. People who use to be first all the time who would not be caught dead leaving a comment on my blog for whatever personal reason they may have. I don't fault them I have a very strong personality and it take a stronger person to be able to handle that. But again I fault no one it's totally a choice to read my blogs and leave a comment and I will not hold a gun to any one's head to read or comment on any of my postings. You see choice is the gift we are all giving at birth. Choice is the one thing no one can take away from us, if we choose to do something no words can stop us or change our heart from doing it. A mind that is made up is an unmovable object which can not be budged neither with words nor actions.

Last week the Supreme Court upheld a law that banned a type of late-term abortion, a ruling that could portend enormous social, legal and political implications for the divisive issue. Partial Birth Abortions is a rarely performed type of abortion carried out in the middle-to-late second trimester. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the only woman on the high court, said the majority's opinion "cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away a right declared again and again by this court, and with increasing comprehension of its centrality to women's lives." Many people are against abortion myself included recently having a baby aborted and not having a say in the matter, I know what it's like to not to have a choice. I also know the pain, frustration and turmoil that goes into the decision of a woman deciding to go through w/ the procedure. It's not an easy thing to do, yet these groups who will not take a baby in, who will be the first to call for death when a fatherless child shoots up a club, pollutes the streets with drugs or a kid w/ a mother who was not ready mentally or financially to raise or take care of a child looses said child to the streets. You see every household is not like Donna Reed or the Cosby Show. Some household are a warped episode of Flavor of Love mixed w/ WWE Monday Night Raw. Where the dad is an abusive alcoholic if he is even around and the mother is a uneducated Great Moola whose only way of communicating is spewing out curse words and swinging the belt like Alex Rodriguez w/ runners in scoring position in the bottom of the ninth inning. It's a fact that some people are just not meant to have children.

Not all potential mother's will be bad parents some just have goals they have yet to accomplish. And instead of bringing another child into this world who can't be properly taking care of they wish to go through with one of the hardest things they will ever have to face in their life. The Abortion. They sit for days, weeks, and sometime months throwing out all the possible outcomes of having the child. The 200 dollar a week day care bills on a 9 dollar an hour job, with no car. The days you have to call out of work b/c little John John caught a cold for one of the kids at day care and oh not only do you have to miss work you still have to pay that 200 buck day care bill to hold his spot so you can return to work. Those and many other bumps in the road of raising a child will cross their minds while making this decision. Now I know there are those who say well she shouldn't have opened her legs well it doesn't always work like that. Sometimes the condom pops, other times that birth control doesn't control the sperm, sometimes you get caught up in the heat of the moment and make a dumb mistake. "Tyrone you better pull out when you're about to cum." And now in Georgia they are forcing women to look at a picture of a sonogram of the baby before all abortions. That's just hell, double hell b/c they've probably more than likely put them self through hell making the decision in the first place.

Let's be honest with our self life is not a fairy tale, and one day we might have to tackle the thought that we just might not be the millionaires we all dream we will one day become. Not a pretty thought but true, and the fact that people are taking away our choice, a woman's choice to do as she pleases w/ her own body is very upsetting to me. Banning aborting is reverse rap in my opinion b/c like i said when a mind is made up its made up and now that women can't go to a doctor to get this done they will go somewhere. Just watch The Last King of Scotland when Kay goes into the village b/c she believes Dr. Gallagher won't perform the procedure. This isn't a fairy tale maybe in the 5th month prince charming turns into a deranged physcopath who beats her, and now there is no option she's stuck in the hell of an abusive relationship, and hell for this child. This is a free country we have choice and just b/c you don't like how Nadia is living her life, doesn't give you the right to tell her what she can do w/ her body. If we don't act now they will tell us what to drink, eat, watch and read. Our freedom is not free someone ask 'what good is a march?' Well it was through the power of the people that they freed the slaves, Through the power of the people that they gave blacks their basic civil human rights, it was through the power of the people they women across the nations got theirs as well. We can not sit by and be idol as they slowly take them away.

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Blogxilla [ 7:08 PM ]


  • nice, i just added tons of new emo backgrounds to my blog

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:33 PM  

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