

My name is BlogXilla.
I am 27 years old.
I'm from Elizabeth NJ now In Atlanta.
I believe In the Power of the P.U.S.S.Y...


The BlogFather
crooks and Liars
become a drug dealer


Liberally Biased

Monday, April 23, 2007
Quote of the Day: One of the most important-and most neglected-elements in the beginning of the interior life is the ability to respond to reality, to see the value and the beauty in ordinary things, to come alive to the splendour that is all around us.

Click here to listen to the Audio of Alec Baldwin telling his daughter off

Last week someone released a message of Alec Baldwin screaming on his daughter saying he has made an "ASS" out of him self for the last time. The media are having a field day with this story. Putting this man's business all out in the public. When I first heard the audio I thought so what big deal. I've been cursed out way worst then this, he caller her a pig. o0o0o Big deal try being called an evil little snot nosed mother fucker who will never be shit and grow up just like their alcoholic daddy. Now I never was told that but I know kids who have, huh what hey I was a top notch kid as a youngster... Okay maybe not but still kids get curse out for doing dumb stuff all the time and if the kid has any sense they will take a curse out over a beating everyday. Now I'm very careful of what I say to my daughter being a father. But they are talking about taking his visitation rights from him... I say for what? He didn't do anything. He got mad b/c he's paying a huge amount of child support and all he wants to do is talk to his child. I'd be mad too. Now I would never talk to my princess like that but in the heat of the moment your voice my raise to a yell.

So I'll keep this short since yesterday's blog was kind of long. Is it okay to curse a kid out? Have you ever been cursed out by your elders if so what did they say and what did you do? Basically leave a comment. I'm trying to be a top blogger. It's my goal and I'm not ashamed to admit it. lol So if you don't have anything creative to say just put Xilla and leave 2 kudos.

Oh yea I lost 15 readers from yesterday blog. So tell 5 friends to subscribe to my blogs whoever gets the most people to subscribe will be featured in next weeks banner to make sure they let me know you referred them. Thanks.

Blogxilla [ 9:38 PM ]


  • I'll have to hop on over to your Myspace blog then. I'll be honest, I've been rather put off by the lack of interest in my Myspace blogs as of late, so I feel your pain. Can I get a comment and a kudo or two please?

    I don't have kids, so I can't really say what I'd do were I in Baldwin's situation, but honestly, is this shit really news? I was on the receiving end of some marathon lectures by my dad every time I fucked up, and I told him once, next time, just kick my ass, would ya?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:17 AM  

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